
Resource List

Page history last edited by Rosalyn Johnson 13 years, 1 month ago
Suggested Uses Content Level
About.com English as 2nd Language www.esl.about.com/ role play, quizzes, listening logs

situational conversational English

all levels A

Navigate to "listening skills."

Uses RealPlayer.

Adult Learning Activities www.cdlponline.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=homepage quizzes, homework, dialogue practice variety of topics, news stories intermediate, advanced B

Includes mini lessons for each story (multiple choice, fill in the blank, short answer.


Arlyn Freed's ESL/EFL Listening Resources www.eslhome.com/esl/listen/ source to search for appropriate materials conversational, lectures, authentic materials all levels A Some ESL/EFL designed materials + lists and reviews of MANY external authentic listening files.
Breaking News English www.breakingnewsenglish.com quizzes, homework current events, news intermediate, advanced B Uses current events as a means to study via listening. 
Over 1000 files (lessons), including a multitude of activities, making an entire lesson (or more) for each file.
EFL Classroom 2.0 eflclassroom.ning.com/ role play, quizzes, listening logs, dialogue practice quizzes, dialogues, various topics & passages all levels B+ Must sign up for NING (free), many different levels
and types of audio files.
English Listening Lesson Library Online www.elllo.org quizzes, homework, dialogue practice academic, news, authentic everyday conversations, movie trailers all levels A Variety of topics, separate sections for vocabulary explanation.
English Online France http://eolf.univ-fcomte.fr/ quizzes, homework academic, news, commercials, fairy tales,
movie trailers
all levels B A variety of listening supplements.
Focus English www.focusenglish.com role play, dialogue practice situational/ conversational English beginner, intermediate C

Conversational English, common idioms & phrases.

Uses Realplayer.

Learning Oral English Online www.rong-chang.com/book role play, dialogue practice situational/ conversational English beginner, intermediate B Conversations in mp3 format, some exercises and notes included.
Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab www.esl-lab.com quizzes, listening logs authentic everyday English all levels A

Wide selection of audio files.

 Various pre-listening activities.

Repeat After Us www.repeatafterus.com role play, pronunciation authentic literature readings all levels D

2300+ recordings (some poor quality).


Sounds of English www.soundsofenglish.org quizzes, homework academic beginner, intermediate D Links for handouts, pronunciation, etc.

ESL Videos


eslvideo.com dental implants sutton coldfield videos, quizzes, create your own quizzes  ESL/EFL listening (with videos) for autonomous learners  beginner, low-intermediate, intermediate, high-intermediate  Wide selection of videos (youtube, etc) complete with listening quizzes 
English Central  http://englishcentral.com   online listening and speaking  A variety of videos  low intermediate and above B
Great for speaking practice.
British Council English Listening  http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/listen-and-watch  listening (also has reading, vocab, and grammar). A wide variety of listening activities including a short "soap opera."  low intermediate and above A-
Lots of material 
VOA Special English
news, stories
intermediate and above
has a youtube channel with subtitled news reports on a variety of topics (updated regularly)
NHK's "Charo 2"
listening, shadowing, and other activities
test and training
NHK News English
listening, reading, shadowing
Education Podcast Network http://epnweb.org/ listening various various B+
Voice thread http://voicethread.com/ listening, culture listening intermediate C
The Bob & Rob show http://www.thebobandrobshow.com/website/index.php listening, culture podcasts intermediate C
The Real Voice of Japanese Students http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwsZ0KiHhRg listening, education youtube student made video beginner C+


Comments (2)

Matthew Rooks said

at 3:23 pm on Jun 2, 2010

Thanks to everyone for the contributions to the resource list! Please continue to spread the word, add your own favorite sites, and help to make this one of the most comprehensive lists of online listening resources on the internet!

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at 11:32 pm on May 18, 2014

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